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Home > Sighthound ALPR > ALPR - Installation and Setup > ALPR Change Output Location for Mac and Linux
ALPR Change Output Location for Mac and Linux
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This article will show you how to change the disk location for output data.


This will change the startup process found in the Getting Started article:


If ALPR is running, stop it


From the command line, use "docker ps" to get the CONTAINER ID (For this example it is: 1ac6336feaf5)

 docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE              ....
1ac6336feaf5   sighthound/alpr    ....


Use the CONTAINER ID as an argument to the "docker stop " command (this will take a couple of minutes to fully complete)

 docker stop 1ac6336feaf5


Get the location where you want to create the output file structure. On a Mac, you can get a disk name with: ls -l /Volumes


Make a new "alpr" directory in that location (example for a disk named USB20FD) with a command like this: mkdir /Volumes/USB20FD/alpr


Copy the default directory into the new location with a command like this: cp -R ~/Desktop/Sighthound-ALPR /Volumes/USB20FD/alpr


This will take a few minutes to complete. Here are the commands using an external drive named "USB20FD":


  ls /Volumes
Macintosh HD	USB20FD
  mkdir /Volumes/USB20FD/alpr
  cp -R ~/Desktop/Sighthound-ALPR /Volumes/USB20FD/alpr


Start the services using the new location of the output file in the command:


 docker run -d --name sighthound-alpr -p 9600:9600 \
 --restart unless-stopped \
 -v /Volumes/USB20FD/alpr/Sighthound-ALPR:/var/alpr \



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