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Home > Sighthound Video > Using Sighthound Video > It's hard to find what I want because there are too many clips
It's hard to find what I want because there are too many clips
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It's hard to find what I want because there are too many clips


If there are clips generated by errors (clips labeled as people or objects when there aren't any in the scene), see support topics on improving general recognition and problems with night scenes. In addition, cameras with auto-focus can generate extraneous boxes because the sharpening and softening of edges is misinterpreted as objects appearing and disappearing.


If Sighthound Video is working accurately but you are still getting too many video clips, try to narrow your search by using rules that might more specifically describe what you are looking for. Some examples are described below.


For details on how to set up rules, see the section on the Rule Editor.


In the example above, a rule set to detect objects on top of the region includes the moving leaves of the tree (the vertical line on the bottom of the green box is within the red region).


Modifying the region slightly eliminates clips with the tree (the vertical line on the bottom of the green box is now outside the red region).


Here are some examples of advanced use of regions:


  • If you want to screen out cars or people in the background, or if you are getting false alerts from a tree or shadows, you can create a rule that only shows clips of motion inside a region of the screen.
  • Another way to screen out objects in the background is a rule setting to ignore small objects.
  • Filtering out objects that are only briefly visible can eliminate many clips. You may not be interested in cars or people passing by, or you may have false alerts that sporadically appear for a second or two. You can filter out these cases by creating a rule that has a duration setting (e.g., only show objects visible longer than 5 seconds).
  • If you are looking for a car that pulled into your driveway, but there are many cars passing by, you could create a rule for objects on top of a region you draw on a parking lot or driveway. You could combine this with a duration rule for better results.
  • If you are looking for someone who climbed over a fence, you can create a rule for objects that enter that region. If your family is often on the inside of the fence, you could draw a boundary and only find people (or objects) that cross from the outside (ignoring all the people coming into the yard from inside your house).
  • You can get creative trying different types of regions and rules. Rules that trigger when people are on top of a region will generate different matches than those for when people are inside a region. Changing the shapes of regions can also change your results significantly. If you are having trouble getting the region to do what you want, you can find some advice here.



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