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Home > General > IPVM FOV Calculator
IPVM FOV Calculator
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IPVM Camera Calculator

IPVM makes an online tool which is useful for calculating parameters relating to camera installations.

The IPVM calculator takes parameters for your camera's resolution, FOV and the distance you would like to view objects. The calculator will tell you the pixels per foot you will see with an object at that distance and FOV which is a useful metric for computer vision. Higher PPF lends itself to higher accuracy.

The sensor parameters for the DNN camera for example are a focal length of 4-12 mm and an Image Sensor Format (Imager) of 1/1.8". This will produce an FOV between 33 and 84 degrees.

The IPVM calculator will allow you to overlay the footprint of what your camera will see on a map so that you will know what to expect your camera to be able to record for a given configuration and installation.

The blind spot calculator will show the region that your camera will not record based on the height and angle of the camera.


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